Things to know about Shark attack

Shark attacks are rare and statistically very unlikely to occur.


Most shark species are not interested in human prey and do not pose a threat to swimmers or surfers.


The most common shark species involved in attacks on humans are the great white shark, tiger shark, and bull shark.


The majority of shark attacks occur in coastal regions and near areas where humans engage in water activities.


Sharks are more likely to investigate and potentially bite if they are provoked, feel threatened, or if there is an interaction with fishing gear.


To reduce the risk of shark attacks, it is advised to swim in groups, avoid swimming during dawn and dusk when sharks are more active, and heed any local beach warnings.


The development of technologies such as shark repellents and improved shark monitoring systems are helping to enhance safety in the water.


Despite the sensationalized media coverage of shark attacks, it is important to remember that sharks play a vital role in marine ecosystems and should be respected and protected.